Disney’s newest animated offering, “Zootopia,” presents a unique approach to the typical animated animal films. It shows off a vivid world, well-crafted characters and a story that touches on acceptance, never giving up and learning from one’s mistakes.
The story centers on Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin), a small bunny with big dreams of becoming Zootopia’s first bunny police officer. She ends up becoming unlikely pals with Nick Wilde, a sly fox (voiced by Jason Bateman). Judy’s investigation of animals that have gone missing throughout the city brings them together.
Their adventure takes them all across Zootopia, a city where both predator and prey live together in peace. Of course, peace isn’t always meant to last and the consequences of what happens when the peace shatters is what drives the film, along with a narrative on prejudice that takes place between the predators and prey.
The film is beautifully presented, with crisp animation and detailed environments brought to life with vivid CGI that is eye-catching and fun to watch on the big screen. The music also plays an important part in the film, with the main song “Try Everything” being performed by Shakira (who also plays the part of anthropomorphic pop star, Gazelle).
With a story that shows off important life lessons, plenty of heart and some fantastic pop culture references (including an entire scene that riffs on The Godfather), Zootopia has already proven itself to be one of the best animated features of this year. If animal movies and animation are your thing, “Zootopia” should give you everything you want and more.