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The Eastern Echo Tuesday, March 18, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Try brighter lip colors, like this Lip Lacquer lipgloss by ModelCo.

Get ready for spring with rejuvenating beauty tips

Spring is to be described as a blissful season, all about rejuvenating and getting over the lasting effects winter brought such as fatigue and even depression. What better way to welcome the springtime than with trying new makeup and hairstyles?

Spring is all about vibrant colors. When looking for new tips for hair and makeup, incorporating bright colors can be what’s needed to spruce up your look. Brighter lipstick options such as more pinks, purples and reds can bring a new twist to your look.

A lot of people are turned off by bright lip colors such as orange, blue, yellow, etc. While this is true, lip colors don’t have to be intimidating. Often times, there are lighter shades of these colors. That way, it’s something new and bright but maybe a little less risky.

If that is a little too much for your taste, then a nude lip is always a nice way to keep it looking more natural.

The winter months can be harsh on the skin as well. A good idea for the spring is to exfoliate and moisturize. This will provide a glow and make the skin more even and softer. You can try using a sugar scrub to get rid of dead skin.

If you’re looking for some new hair tips for the spring, then clipping your ends and doing a deep conditioner could be just what you need for a refreshing look. If you want something a little more different, then try highlights or an ombré of purple, red, etc.—or even just lightening your hair by adding some blonde.

Whatever you decide to do to jazz up your look this spring, make sure you like it and it fits your personal style. Most importantly, have fun with it and don’t be afraid to try something new.