Eastern Michigan University Interim President, Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Kim Schatzel, is leaving EMU to serve as the President of Towson University, Baltimore, Md., effective Jan. 25, 2016.
“Kim Schatzel has made an outstanding contribution to Eastern Michigan University since her arrival as provost in 2012," Eastern Michigan University Board Chair Mike Morris said. "She has been an excellent leader and administrator, and provided great stability and guidance to the institution after her appointment as interim president. Towson is an established and successful institution, and a wonderful opportunity for her. While we are sorry to see her leave, we wish her nothing but success in the future.”
Morris said an announcement on the new interim president and interim provost will be made in the weeks ahead. Schatzel will remain interim president, provost and executive vice president of academic and student affairs for the time being.
“I have great respect and admiration for the work we do at Eastern Michigan University, and for the many people I have had the pleasure to meet and work with," Schatzel said in her announcement. "From students, to our wonderful faculty, our staff, leadership team and our wonderful network of alumni and supporters across the region, Eastern has been a wonderful place to call home. While I am saddened to be leaving so many good friends and colleagues, the opportunity to move closer to my family and my roots on the east coast, and to another outstanding institution such as Towson, was an opportunity I could not ignore.”
EMU is currently in a presidential search process as well. For information on it, go to the presidential search website.