Campus Life hosted a Snack & Study session before the week of finals from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Tuesday.
“I came to tonight’s event to actually study, be around a lot of people who are doing the same thing as me and whose focus are their studies, just like me,” said Destani Goodman, freshman elementary education major.
There was food, an Oxygen bar, tutoring tables, massages, and even quiet rooms for the students who attended.
“[After the massage] I feel refreshed,” junior communications major Trinity Delgado said. “I want to go to bed now, but it was very relaxing after all of the studying so that was a nice little treat.”
Advertising proved helpful as many students were still in the Ballroom during the last hour of the event.
“It was definitely advertised way better this semester than it has in the past,” said Charlie Chappel, senior integrated science and social studies major. “A ton of people showed up, way more than other years.”
With the ballroom filled much of the night, the quiet study room was an option for students who wanted the experience, but a quieter environment.
“It was a little hard to concentrate at first because there were a lot of people and it was a little loud,” Delgado said. “By offering the quiet study room if you really needed to get work done and you couldn’t do it in [the ballroom] it gave you the option to do it there.”
The social part of the Snack & Study helps students be able to work in a group setting instead of on their own.
“I think it is better when students can work together because then they can feed off of each other’s ideas,” Chappel said.
“All the events that EMU hosts is the reason why I come here,” freshman Kierna Brown said. “They host a lot of stuff and it’s good to get our community involved.”