Eastern Michigan University students are working to create a co-ed water polo club.
While the club is not yet official, students started meeting and practicing in late October.
Sequoia Farrell-Williams, a junior criminal justice major, is one of the creators and leaders of the club. He worked with administration and teaches, along with other members of the club, on how to play the game.
“I remember when I first started water polo back when I was a sophomore in high school,” he said. “I had no idea what I was doing but the players and coaches worked with me and I had a blast. Now I hope to share this awesome sport with the Eastern Michigan community.”
He said that he has met many people on EMU’s campus who want to play water polo and seem excited and willing to try the sport.
“Students should get involved because you can make new friends, learn a fun sport, get involved in your school and exercise helps relieve stress which I’m sure we all have a lot of,” Farrell-Williams said.
Baylee Kinkade, a freshman with a double major in Spanish and occupational therapy, helped start the club.
“Water polo is an amazing sport that builds strong bonds between teammates,” she said. “It is also challenging, and ever-evolving. This makes it an interesting game to play, especially with close friends.”
Kinkade said she recommends joining the team.
“Even if you don’t have any water polo experience – our players with experience are here to help you out,” she said.
Kinkade herself has four years of varsity level experience.
“Water polo will change your life, even making you a better person by teaching you how to work with others,” she said.
While it is currently just for fun, Farrell-Williams said down the road, it could become a competitive club.
The club has two meetings a week. The first at 8:30 p.m. every Monday by the Student Center Starbucks and the second 1-2 p.m. at the Rec/IM pool, which is during the open swim time.
Students need to bring a swimsuit and towel. Joining the club is currently free. Once they start renting the pool, there might be a cost.
For more information on the club, email emuclubwaterpolo@gmail.com