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The Eastern Echo Tuesday, March 18, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

How to prepare for holiday shopping

It’s officially the Holiday season and Black Friday is approaching, along with all of the sales and deals that go along with it. If you love fashion and shopping, this is basically prime time.

As you already know, Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year. You’re able to score deals and sales that aren’t in place the remainder of the year so this can be a great time to get a major haul on that list you have. Here are a few tips that can be helpful when tackling your holiday shopping.

1. Make a List – As obvious as it may seem, it actually is the downfall of a lot of holiday shoppers. Preparing a list of what you want or at least an overview of what you’re looking for will help you to control urges as well as stay on the right path while in stores. If it isn’t on your list, you’ll know it isn’t what you were looking to buy.

2. Start Early – It may be a lot of fun to be in the lines on Christmas Eve returning gifts and trying to find different items, but boy is it stressful. The earlier you start, the better. People often times say sales get better as time gets closer to Christmas. This is actually a myth for most places. The price doesn’t get better; you just get more of a desire to go get it since you’ve waited so long.

3. Plan Ahead of Time – Before you get to the mall or even Wal-Mart, plan out what you’re trying to do. Plan where you’re going to go, how long you’re going to stay there and what you’re going to get. This way, you’re on track and leave with exactly what you were looking for.

4. Online Shopping – The World Wide Web is a very large place. Take advantage of that. Often times, you’re able to find things that aren’t available in store. During the holiday season, retailers are more willing to give promotions online such as free shipping and certain percentages off.

5. Gift Planning – Tis’ the season to be giving. Giving gifts to others such as family members and friends, even co-workers is such a nice gesture. Let’s be honest, when it comes to gift giving not everyone has a keen eye. No one wants to receive a holiday sweater that your grandma bought you two years ago and you absolutely hate. Plan it out. If you want to get people gifts, make sure you know what you’re going to get them and what they like. Nothing says, “happy holidays” worse than a stale fruit cake.