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The Eastern Echo Monday, March 17, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Campus hot spot: Halle Library

Campus hot spots

Besides the fact that Eastern Michigan University has a beautiful campus, EMU also has great spots to mingle, learn and have fun with friends and colleagues. Here are some of the main hot spots on campus.

1. The Student Center: The Student Center is one of the liveliest spots on campus; it has a number of restaurants and shops including the Campus Bookstore, Subway, Wendy’s, and Starbucks. The Student Center also has the E-Zone which is a video game center located on the first floor of the Student Center. The E-Zone has all types of video games.

Evan Smith, a sophomore majoring in business said, “Life isn’t only about studying and working hard, it’s also about having fun and making the most out of your college experience. I come to the E-Zone very often and hang out with my friends, we love it.”

2. Bruce T. Halle Library: Halle Library is a place where students can study and read quietly as well as collaborate and find a variety of resources.

“Halle Library has great study rooms, throughout my two semesters at EMU I would come here and study and get my work done, I really like it,” said EMU freshman Wijdan Hummadi.

On the ground floor of the library there is a coffee shop. On the upper levels of the library there are good-sized study rooms where groups can collaborate without distraction or interruption. On the first floor of the library there is also the Writing Center and the Holman Success Center, which are great resources for students to utilize.

The library contains a substantial collection of books and its own online database as well. The library is an important element in every college student’s life from having a place to print your work, access the Internet and even grab a coffee with friends.

3. The REC/IM: The Rec is a great place for everyone to work out, join a fitness class, go swimming, or just have some fun.

“I like the EMU fitness center because you can exercise and because they have really flexible hours for students, they have lots of amenities that enhances the students’ experiences,” said Tanaka Chavanduka, a senior majoring in psychology.

There are basketball courts on the third floor of the fitness center. There is also a running track on the fourth floor. There are eating areas on the first and second floor where students can take a break and/or eat. The fitness center is what completes the college experience.

EMU isn’t only a place to study, it is also a place where everyone can enjoy and expand their knowledge beyond the classroom through meaningful experiences. These spots on EMU’s campus, along with many others, help to make EMU a memorable place for its students.