The National Association of Black Accountants student organization appealed to a decision declining funding for catering a panel discussion at Tuesday’s Student Senate meeting. The Senate declined the appeal by a vote of 3-10.
“We don’t deny very many organizations, but we have a criteria to follow,” Student Sen. William McDonald said. “We feel confident in our decision.”
Last week the NABA went before the Business and Finance Committee to request $664.21 to fund its upcoming event. That request was unanimously denied.
The money would be used for catering the event because the organization wanted to show hospitality and professionalism by including a dinner for the attending panelists, members and students.
The Business and Finance committee cited one of the main reasons for its denial as feeling the event would not benefit enough students. Additionally, the organization has $1,334.73 in its x-fund account balance.
The senators passed two resolutions, both with a 12-1 vote.
The first resolution, B. Res-101-002, increased the 2015 fiscal year budget by $10,000. This money is to go toward purchasing and installing five water bottling systems. The money came out of the reserve account. This account, according to student body president Desmond Miller, has about $90,000 in it.
The second, S. Res-101-007, requires internal affairs members to sign a confidentiality waiver. This waiver applies only during presentations of senators requesting a closed meeting. With the passing of this resolution, senators can request a closed meeting to discuss sensitive issues in private.
Arthur Arshad was voted onto the Business and Finance committee by an 11-2 vote. Several senators vouched for him and described him as eager, enthusiastic and interested.
The Senate also voted in another member 7-6. She did not wish to comment or give her name.
The Senate nominated Sen. McDonald and Carl Matherly to serve as election commission representative in order to oversee the upcoming election.
Both senators were interested in making sure this year’s election runs smoother than last year’s.
“I followed the election closely last year,” Matherly said. “And I hate to have a repeat of last year.”
“I look forward to seeing our election go smoothly [if I’m elected],” McDonald said.
Matherly procured the position 6-5.
President Desmond Miller ended the meeting by asking the senate to step it up. He said that he wants senators to focus more time on student issues rather than worrying about their personal agendas.
“We have to do everything in our ability to be the best student government now,” he said.