The Eastern Echo asked students “Will you be watching the State of the Union Address and why?”
“I think it's important. Before I was even involved in Student Government I had a slight interest in the State of the Union. Now that I have become more involved and more involved politics I think its very interesting. It sets the tone for the presidency.”-- Desmond Miller, Senior, Public Administration
“No I'm not, because I have faith in our country and I have faith in my God.” -- Lauren Renou, Sophomore, Communication
“No I will not be. I will be studying my econ homework and I actually don't have television and its kind of hard to watch the State of the Union without a television.” -- Kalandria Robinson,Senior, Health Administration
“No, because I am not very political.” -- James Satterh, Sophomore, English Literature
“No, because of homework really. I have a lot of programming homework to do.” -- Erick Eichelberger, Junior, Simulation Animation Gaming
“No, because I do not have cable.” -- Brittany Fuqua, Sophomore, Secondary Education