EMU to test Emergency Alert System
The university will be testing the outdoor emergency speaker and text alert systems at noon, Friday.
According to a campus-wide emial, activation of the system will include an audible test message to all outdoor speakers and to the in-building speakers located in Alexander, Buell, Downing, Ford, Halle Library, the Indoor Athletic Practice Facility, Science Complex, Parking Structure, Pittman, Pray-Harrold, Warner and Wise.
Sundance Presents FilmForward: Advancing Cultural Dialogue
The Student Center Auditorium will show a Fruitvale Station Screening on Thursday, Sept. 25. The film is a true story of a 22-year-old named Oscar who crosses friends, enemies and strangers on the last day of 2008. The film is directed by Ryan Coogler and post screening, Meredith Lavitt of Sundance will have a discussion and answer questions.
RAINN Day screening of “Asking For It”
The Women’s Resoruce Center will be showing a screening of the documentary entitled “Asking For It” in Halle Library room 300. The screening will take place from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Students who attend can earn LBC credit.
EMU Launches Redesigned Campus Directory
The Division of Communications, with help of the Division of technology has issued a new campus directory that is touch compatible and has a responsive design to be compatible with all tech platforms. The program also allows users to download VCards for their contacts. Any questions should be directed to Darcy Gifford at dgiffo2@emich.edu.