Eastern Michigan University is shopping for a new Chief Financial Officer. Its current CFO, John Lumm, has informed the University he plans to retire at the end of August.
“John is retiring after a distinguished career in finance with the auto industry, and then with Eastern Michigan University,” said Geoff Larcom, EMU’s Executive Director of Media Relations. “People are now submitting materials to the post in hopes of being considered for the position. Due to normal privacy concerns and to conduct an authentic national search, candidates for the position will not become public at this time.”
The post Larcom refers to is the job listing on EMU’s website.
“John Lumm has served Eastern as chief financial officer since 2008 with exemplary dedication and stewardship. In his role, John faced statewide higher education budgetary challenges, calling upon his financial expertise and knowledge to aid the University in navigating the new economic environment through collaboration and communication,” EMU President Susan Martin said. “Our search will recruit a top-tier candidate who will help Eastern continue to be an accessible and affordable university, while investing in academic programs, faculty and facilities.”
EMU has established a search committee to assist President Susan Martin in finding a new CFO. The Committee is made up of:
• Dr. Howard Bunsis, Professor of Accounting and AAUP
• Dr. James Carroll, Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Administration
• Mr. John Donegan, Vice President for Operations and Facilities
• Dr. Kim Schatzel, Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and Provost
• Mr. David Turner, Vice President for University Human Resources
• Mr. William Heilman, Senior Systems Administrator and All-Union Council Representative
• Ms. Casey Wooster, Administrative Support, and Executive Assistant to the President
Leigh Greden, Vice President for Government and Community Relations, chairs the Committee.
The University has hired the The Hunter Group LLC as an outside consultant to aid them in the search. The Hunter Group is firm that aids in searches for executives and upper management internationally.
The CFO’s primary responsibility is to provide budget management, monitor liquidity positions, exercise executive control over University budgets and safeguard all asset of the University. EMU’s 2013 annual operating revenue was approximately $227 million with an additional $100 million of non-operation revenue. Its 2013 expense budget was $332 million with assets of $583 million. EMU has over 2,500 full-time and part-time employees.
Applications for the position are due June 16 at 5:00 p.m. Pay for the position is commensurate to the applicant’s experience.
The CFO severs as the Treasurer of the Board of Regents and is a member of the President’s Executive Control leadership team. The CFO directly oversees the Office of the Controller, the budget office, student business services, the purchasing department and business systems support.