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The Eastern Echo Thursday, March 6, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Student organizations set up booths, inform students

His House Christian Fellowship and the College of Business set up booths in the Student Center lobby Monday with the intention of informing students about their clubs and providing them with more information about how to join their respective causes.

Representing the COB was Beste Windes, manager of graduate assistant recruiting.

“The COB would like to reach out to all students, even those who might not be interested or majoring in any type of business major,” Windes said.

She also said that the COB is working on different methods of connecting with students.

These new methods were represented by their lively booth, which featured games, prizes, T-shirts and brochures with more information about the COB.

EMU student, Melissa Heatlie, receiving her general MBA in business administration, was also working the booth.

“I am very involved with the COB,” Heatlie said.

According to Windes, Heatlie also has a talent for developing successful marketing projects for the COB.

At another booth situated next to the COB, the His House Christian Fellowship reached out to connect with students as they passed.

Not to be outdone by the COB, the His House Christian Fellowship’s booth was stocked with Ramen noodle packages, which they gave away for free to anyone interested. Some students took more than one bag, and others even left with more than a dozen.

EMU student and engineering physics major, Brandon Blasiola, said that the foundational idea of the His House Christian Fellowship is to “Change the world and for people to have a connection to this community on campus.”

Jessy Stark, who is not an EMU student, but is involved in the Campus Ministry said, “In the past, people want to try a church and gain a relationship with others.”

She also said that sometimes the His House Christian Fellowship is like a magnet for people who just need others to talk to.

According to Stark, the His House Christian Fellowship meets on Thursdays at 7 p.m. at the Student Center.

For more information about the COB, go to for contact information.

For more information about the His House Christian Fellowship, go to