Phonathon for EMU Foundation—
Eastern Michigan University students are urged to sign up for the phonathon this spring. The funds that will be offered through callers of the phonathon are to support EMU.
Training will be provided to those who want to participate and is also a paid job. Nights and weekend spots are available.
The shifts that are available are Saturday, March 22 through Thursday, April 17.
Those interested can apply only at Use entry code: EMU145.
Women’s History Month Lecture—
The Women’s and Gender Studies Department will present Senator and Ambassador Carol Moseley
Braun to give a presentation titled, “America in 2014: Post-Racial and Post-Feminist?: Future
Directions in Civil and Political Human Rights”
There will be a reception from 5-6 p.m. and the presentation is from 6-7 p.m.
For more information, contact Mary-Elizabeth Murphy at 734-487-1018, or through email at