Eastern Michigan University kicked off advising week in Halle Library Monday afternoon with an Academic Advising and Career Development Center booth run by people from both the academia and employment sections. These representatives were on hand to teach students how to set up appointments for the center, discuss the “dos” and “don’ts” of resumes and talk about interviewing skills.
EMU academic adviser graduate assistant, Antoinette Cunningham, said that most employers would like to see people with some sort of experience in the job they are applying for.
“Experience and degree,” Cunningham said. “Employers want you to volunteer and internships are greatly ideal.”
Christina Austin, an EMU junior majoring in pre-med, stopped by the booth to inquire about what the Academic Advising and Career Development Center can do to help her apply for jobs and perfect her resume.
“It’ll help if I do well and get a look at what jobs are hiring,” Austin said.
Career coach Lorraine McKnight told students who stopped at the booth that preparation is key.
She also gave students pointers regarding job interviews and what to include on a resume.
McKnight said to post all prior experiences on a resume, especially if the experience is relevant to the job being sought.
She also asked students about their goals and aspirations for the future.
Gregory Thomas, a graduate assistant to the advising department receiving master’s degrees in higher education and student affairs, said that some students become derailed if they do not seek an advisor at least once a semester.
“It is vital to see an adviser,” he said. “I’m there to give moral advice and I’m a friendly person to talk to.”
He also said that using the center helps students discover their strengths and weaknesses as well as the field they want to pursue, especially if they don’t have a major in mind just yet.
The career services side of the center provides students with job postings, resume critiques and mock job interviews, while the academic portion can assist students with their general education requirements, degree platforms and what really interests them. It also helps students figure out where they stand with credits, and what they still might need in order to graduate.
For more information, contact 734-487-0400. Anyone can make an appointment with an advisor or just walk-in.