Eastern Michigan University’s Academic Advising Week was still in full force on Wednesday, with booths set up in the Student Center on campus; one for the Wellness Center and Snow Health Center, another for the math department and tutoring labs, and another for the University Writing Center.
This particular setup was primarily focused on support networks provided to current EMU students.
These support networks are usually free of charge.
Helen Kenney, an EMU graduate assistant working toward her masters in school counseling, said that the services are available to help students be successful. She added that networks like the UWC and math labs offer tutoring mentors.
Joy Versulius from the UWC said there are multiple benefits that come with receiving help with their writing, in everything from research papers to cover letters and resumes. She also said that UWC is focused on supporting the writer and collaborating with them on their work to show editing and grammar errors and to proofread whatever the student might bring in the UWC.
“Try it out,” Versulius said. “Don’t be afraid. We’re friendly, welcoming and gentle people.”
Versulius also said that the UWC has many returning students, and the University Writing Center caters to faculty, graduate and undergraduate students. She said it is just better to have another set of eyes to preview one’s work and even an extra pair of ears to listen as one reads his or her work out loud to see if it sounds all right.
EMU graduate assistant Erin Schade from the math department said that although students come in because they feel like they need some math help, others tend to be a little nervous and stressed out. She said the math tutoring center is a laid-back, friendly environment that motivates students.
CAPS and Snow Health Center were also on hand at a booth nearby. An EMU student majoring in health administration, Imraan Saifudin, said that the department offers health educational programming, that Snow has an easily accessible pharmacy and students should consider taking a tour of the center.
“Come check it out,” he said. “We’re pretty cool.”
GA Michelle Paul, a college counseling major, also works at the health center. She agrees that a walkthrough of the department is a good idea for anyone interested in looking into making an appointment at CAPS, the Wellness Center or the health department.
For more information about the UWC, contact 734-487-0694. For more information about the math lab, contact 734-487-0983, or email emich.edu/math/tutoring. For more information on the Snow Health Center, contact 734-487-0273.