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The Eastern Echo Thursday, March 6, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Board of Regents Subcommittee Briefs

Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents round-up for March 25.

Increase proposed for housing and meal plans

Students living on campus next school year may face a slight increase in the cost of both housing and meal plans, under a proposal submitted to the Finance and Investment subcommittee by the university’s Chief Financial Officer, John Lumm.

The four percent increase would take effect at the beginning of the fall semester.

Polymers and coatings major to be discontinued

Regents voted on a movement to gradually phase out the polymers and coatings major program due to a lack of enrollment. Current students will have seven years to complete their degrees.

The courses for the program will remain and can be taken by students of other majors. The polymers and coasting graduate program will also remain.

International affairs minor approved

A new minor program in international affairs has been approved. The program was partially created in response to students’ concerns that the 54-credit international affairs major made it difficult to pick up a minor or second major.

Cellular tower proposed

CFO John Lumm introduced a proposal to the Finance and Investment subcommittee Tuesday which would allow a cellular tower to be installed by New Cingular Wireless, a subsidiary of AT&T, on top of Pray-Harrold.

Under the terms of the lease, EMU would be compensated $18,000 annually for five years.

Cooper Building to be sold

The Cooper Building, located at 2000 N. Huron River Dr. near Rynearson Stadium, will be sold for $1.1 million. The building has been used by the nonprofit fundraising organization EMU Foundation.

EMU acquired the 13,000 square foot building in 1996. It was previously known as the Riverbend Office Building.

McLean hired

Dan McLean was announced as EMU’s new Associate Athletic Director for Development at Tuesday’s Athletic Affairs subcommittee meeting. McLean previously served as Major Gifts Officer at West Virginia University.

McLean’s employment officially begins April 7.

Rynearson parking rate announced

Fans commuting to Eastern Michigan University football games will no longer be able to park for free this coming season, EMU Vice President and Director of Athletics Heather Lyke announced Tuesday morning.

A $5 per car fee will be assessed for parking at Rynearson Stadium. RV’s will be charged $20.

Students coming from campus will be able to take a free shuttle to the stadium. Drop off and pick up locations have not yet been announced.

New Title IX campaign

James Gallaher, Chief Human Resources Officer, said EMU plans to to roll out a new campaign that will bring more attention to the Title IX office at the university and better inform students about how they can report sexual assault and the resources available to them.