The Eastern Michigan University Physical Plant explained the challenges it faced in keeping the campus roads and sidewalks ice-free this winter via an email sent to the EMU community on the evening of Friday, Feb. 7.
The message, relayed through EMU spokesman Geoff Larcom, said that the university has received more snow in January than it has ever received in the span of one month, and this winter has been one of the coldest on record for the area. Road salt is ineffective at temperatures below 15 degrees.
“The excessive amounts of snow, coupled with the exceptionally cold weather, create a challenge in terms of making the snow and ice melt amid the extensive process of clearing the many walkways, streets and parking lots around campus,” the Physical Plant said in the email.
The email advised students, faculty and staff to report potentially dangerous patches of ice or snow accumulation by calling the Physical Plant office at 734-487-1000. It also contained a reminder to commuters to plan ahead and be cautious while driving on especially cold days.