EMU to hire 10 full-time officers—
Eastern Michigan University will hire 10 full-time police officers by Sept. 2014 to help with patrols in and around campus.
Students can check grades and schedule through mobile app—
Eastern Michigan University has established a new mobile application to use with Android and Apple devices. The app can help students check things from grades to EMU news.
The app is accessible on a mobile device’s app store. Look for and install “Ellucian Go.”
After the application is downloaded, select Eastern Michigan University. When readied, students are asked to enter their my.emich user name and password. For information, go to emich.edu/emumobile.
John Clark retirement party—
A retirement party for John Clark will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014 in the Carillon Room in
Halle Library. The event will take place from 2-4 p.m.
Clark is retiring after producing over 30 years of service to EMU’s library.
For more information, contact Alexis Braun Marks at abraunma@emich.edu or Diane Browning dbrowning@emich.edu.