Former Regent to Board of Trustees Elected for Foundation Board—
Eastern Michigan University’s Foundation Board of Trustees has recently elected Timothy Dyer to the board.
According to an article from the Division of Communications Department, Dyer is a former regent and alumnus of EMU who achieved his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the university. Dyer was also a teacher, debate/forensic coach and school principal. From 1968 to 1970, he also served as mayor of Ypsilanti.
Along with Dyer, the board named John Bodary, Dale Heydlauff and Jeanne Merlanti emeritus members. Alumnus Patrick Barry, Jr., was appointed by the Alumni Association as one of the seven appointed positions on the board. Barry is the president-elect of the EMU Alumni Association, the article says.
Group Dialogue Session—
DialoguEMU gives students an opportunity to discuss various issues deemed important to the student body. The sessions are group-oriented and last from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. These sessions are to be held in room 300 of Halle Library.
The sessions are LBC-approved. The dates for the sessions are listed here:
• Thursday, Oct. 10
• Thursday, Oct. 24
• Thursday, Nov. 7
• Thursday, Nov. 21
• Thursday, Dec. 12
For more information, go to the Faculty Development Center Events. Contact Bethany Fort at 734-487-2530 or email at for other details.
Study Abroad Fair Event—
The event for the Fall Study Abroad Fair will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Student Center at Eastern Michigan University.
For more information, contact Academic Programs Abroad at 734-487-2424 or
Fashionality’s Fashion Show—
A fashion runway show, “La Dolce Vita, The Sweet Life,” is set to be held on Thursday, Oct. 10, at 7 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Student Center at Eastern Michigan University.
General admission tickets are $5 and can be purchased at all EMU ticket box offices. For more information, contact Shecari Sorrells at 734-657-2251 or email at