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The Eastern Echo Sunday, March 16, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

	The performances took place Saturday in the Student Center Auditorium.

Just Arts and Music presents cover show

The student organization Just Arts and Music presented their Covers Show Saturday in the Eastern Michigan University Student Center auditorium.

The hilarious Dylan Croasdill hosted the event. He discussed celebrities and Smurfs, and even poked fun at himself between each act.

Each band or artist had seven minutes to perform their act. Therefore, each group or individual performed two songs. One fun thing each performer did was introduce themselves as the artist they were impersonating instead of letting the audience know their real name(s).

The show opened with an old favorite of mine, “Fiona Apple.” She performed “Paper Bag” on the ukelele and “Criminal” on the guitar. Her voice was impressively similar to Apple’s. However, “Criminal” sounded much different without the back-up instrumentals.

Next up was “The Clash.” They were dressed like punk rockers. Joe Strummer was a leather-jacket-sporting female, and she introduced the band in a British accent. They rocked out to “White Riot” and “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” Their performance was quite similar to that of the real Clash’s.

“Guns N’ Roses” stood out in the crowd—literally. I noticed them before they even got on stage. They were dressed much like the actual band members and performed “Night Train” and “Civil War” quite theatrically. I am not normally a fan of Guns N’ Roses, but this performance gave me a newfound appreciation for the band.

“Bon Jovi” went next, performing “Living on a Prayer” and “You Give Love A Bad Name” on her guitar (Yes, “Bon Jovi” was one lone woman).

“The Beatles” followed suit with “The Clash” in having a male celebrity portrayed by a female. She also led into the songs (“Tomorrow Never Ends” and “Girl”) in a British accent. Travis Jarosz (See Watabou article on page 7) was featured as the cross-dressing cellist.

“The Notorious B.I.G.” followed. Although this was a covers show, the performer rapped an original song inspired by Biggie Smalls.

“St. Vincent” was a band I had always heard of, but never sat down and listened to. Seth Weddle performed in this one as the guitarist, as well as the lovely Brittnee Costigan, the singer. They performed “Paris is Burning” and “Actor Out of Work.”

After “St. Vincent,” came the only act that I hadn’t previously heard of: “Centenaire.” He said he was from France and played guitar and drums, as well as using a live looping machine to help with musical consistency.

“Brand New” was announced next, appealing to several fans in the audience. They played two of their most popular songs, “Okay, I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don’t” and “I Will Play My Game Beneath the Spin Light,” both from “Deja Entendu.” The band seemed to add their own vocal twist on the songs, but they were definitely great.

“The Avett Brothers” performed next. The lone performer joked about him acting out both parts of a two-person act. He sang beautifully to “January Wedding” and “I and Love and You.”

“Weezer” went on after this. They performed two old favorites: “Buddy Holly” and “Say It Ain’t So.”
The bassist and drummer were new to the singer, but were also two of his very good friends.

“Death From Above 1979” was an interesting act because they were missing a singer. Out of the drummer and the bassist, one might expect the bassist to sing, but surprisingly, it was the drummer. He did an impressive job as well. They played a hard set, with “Cold War” and “Little Girl.”

It was saddening to hear the last band, “System of a Down,” announced. Their act wasn’t actually on the poster or the projected image above the stage, but they were impressive nonetheless.

“I’m really happy with the show,” Weddle said afterward. “We had really good performers.”
Weddle created the event, and this was the second show. Many diverse genres of music were covered, which Weddle said was the point.

Performers were told about the event at Just Arts and Music’s monthly Open Mic Night, which occurs every second Thursday of the month in Room 300 of the Student Center. The last one this year will be on April 11. The event is free and all are welcome.