The Eastern Echo editorial board has decided to endorse Desmond Miller for the position of Student Body president and Antonino Monea as Student Body vice president in the upcoming Student Government election at Eastern Michigan University. Of the candidates, we feel Miller offers the most experience and provided the best plans moving forward to address students’ concerns on campus.
As Student Government has a budget of about $300,000 to cover administrative costs and, more importantly, to use in the best interests of the EMU student body, it’s important that students take an interest in who will act on their behalf.
And considering the less than stellar turnout for Wednesday’s candidate debate (of the twenty or so attendees, at least three were members of or associated directly with Student Government) in the Student Center, The Echo felt it prudent to offer its opinion on the matter.
Miller and Monea both addressed the audience in a confident manner that will serve the student body well, as voicing their concerns and proposals to the Board of Regents and lobbying for EMU students will be part of their primary duties.
Miller said regardless of the election’s outcome he will remain active in Student Government.
“It would take a lot for me to stop advocating for students, so in some way shape or form I will be a member of Student Government … whether that be as a committee member or senator. I do feel
very passionately for fighting on behalf of students,” Miller said.
Monea said he’s made personal sacrifices for Student Government in the past and will do so again.
“You’re entire life is about balancing things … I gave up my job as a tutor to come work in Student Government when I got this position [as director of political action], even though I really loved being able to talk about economics and political science, my areas of study. So I’ve done that before and rest assured I would readjust my schedule to make sure I could fit with the rigors of the office.”
Miller said one of the biggest issues for him is students not being involved in student organizations.
“It’s not because they don’t want to be; it’s because they can’t find the proper way to get involved at the university. Nine times out of 10 the reason why a student leaves a university is because of financial reasons or they don’t feel connected to the university,” Miller said.
Students can vote electronically from March 27 at 8 a.m. through 8 p.m. the next day, by logging into their accounts. Once logged in, they will automatically be presented with a ballot.