Eastern Michigan University’s Service EMU has launched a Student Text Club that will notify participants about registration, bill payments, financial aid and other academically related things.
“We want to try to reach students where they are, and a lot of students these days are on their phones,” Gretchen Ward, director of Service EMU, said.
The Student Text Club program is spin-off of Service EMU’s Family Text Club, a message system aimed at keeping a student’s family members informed about important events.
“We just want to help students receive the information that they need to know about Eastern in a timely manner and get reminders about some of the major milestones,” Ward said.
Service EMU is also running a promotion for the Student Text Club program: Those who join before Feb. 28 will be entered in a drawing for a $100 gift certificate to the EMU bookstore.
For more information about Service EMU and any of its programs, go to www.emich.edu/serviceemu/.