The Eastern Michigan University Residence Hall Association discussed upcoming programs and internship opportunities at their first general assembly meeting Sept. 24.
Every student who lives in one of EMU’s residence halls is automatically a member of the RHA, which offers programs to students who live on or off campus.
Disney representatives made an appearance at the meeting to offer paid internships that provide students with housing and educational options as well at networking opportunities. Students of all majors and ages are eligible for recruitment in this program, at either the California or Florida Disney locations.
The semester-long internship is only offered in the summer months to alumni, but undergraduate students can choose to spend their fall or winter semesters there. The program also offers up to six general education credits and a flexible education schedule that allows students to take classes while on the job.
The representatives said in addition to the experience they gained in their roles, riding the attractions at Disney is part of “product knowledge,” and admission to the parks are free for interns.
On Oct. 1, a recruiter for the Disney internship program will be at EMU to answer questions. The two meeting times are 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. in room 352 of the Student Center.
Alternative Spring Break is another program discussed at the meeting. Disaster relief, animal rights, refugee resettlement, invasive species removal, food justice and youth education are a few of the ASB issues dealt with on these trips. The ASB website on features specific programs and sites for this year.
The cost for the program is $250, which includes lodging, food and transportation, and applications for the program are due by Oct. 11.
The ASB program also offers students the opportunity to earn Learning Beyond the Classroom credit. More information can be found in the VISION volunteer center in room 346 of the Student Center.
Other programs discussed included Lil Sibs weekend, the kickoff campus bash on Sept. 30, Winter Wish List, the question-and-answer session with administrators called ‘What’s the Problem?’ and the Masquerade Ball.
The Residence Hall Association currently has two vacant executive board positions: vice president and director of finance. For more information about the positions, contact RHA President Brittany Gross at
The RHA government has two levels: the executive board and the nine hall assemblies. Elections for the hall assemblies and other executive positions start Sept. 27 at 10 a.m.
Each member of the executive board is a director with a specific program they are currently pushing to succeed. Gross also works with the Student Affairs Advisory Council and announced this year Wi-Fi in the residence halls is being spotlighted.
General assembly meetings are held Mondays at 8:30 p.m. in the Student Center.