*Community Service *
GREEN – This student org works to bring environmentally beneficial opportunites to Eastern and the area.
America Reads – Works to enhance the literary and writing skills of area kids, and they even honor a College Work Study award so you can make money while doing it.
SAHAH – Students Against Hunger and Homelessness helps raise student awareness about these issues as well as helps get Eastern Michigan students involved in the community.
Health and Wellness
Capoeira Mandinga – This club focuses on a Brazilian art form and self defense that balances the body, soul and mind.
Now Be Chapter Alpha – They work to bring people together for health awareness and to show the diversity of people who suffer from different diseases and disorders.
STRO – The Student Therapeutic Recreation Organization has the goals of promoting theraputic recreation, service and having social and fundraising activities.
Fashion, Film and Literature
Fashionality – works to inspire, motivate and stimulate success in the creative minds of students through all aspects of fashion.
Eagle Filmmakers Association – This group is devoted to promoting film as an art form at Eastern’s campus.
Lyceum -This is EMU’s literature society, which focuses on different topics through the semester including things like Dystopian fiction, Renaissance-era pornogrpahy and T.S. Eliot’s “The Wasteland.”
Children and Education
Association for Future Elementary Teachers – AFET is here to help future teachers become the best they can.
Higher Education Student Association – They work to serve others in need, network with professionals and create a social atmosphere for students at Eastern.
Harry Potter Book Club and Reading Group – This group promotes and encourages analysis, discussion and enjoyment of the original Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling, as well as related works.
Campus Crusade for Christ – A student movement committed to knowing Christ more and making Christ known to students at EMU.
Hillel – This Jewish campus life organization works to enrich the lives of Jewish students so they can better Jewish people around the world.
Muslim Student Association – This group aims to empower the on-campus Muslim community as well as promote a comprehensive understanding of Islam.
Outbreak Eastern- Ready for the zombie apocalypse? Outbreak Eastern, a live-action role-playing game, pays attention to the real world scenarios involving the zombie infestation.
Club Bowling at EMU – This group allows students to get involved with bowling as a sport.
Eagle Paintball Club – This group makes the community aware of the sport of paintball as well as promoting safe play and, of course, fun.